Train tickets, schedules, fares, train stations and timetable

Your train ticket is here!

Find train tickets, schedules, ticket fares, train stations and timetable from companies like Amtrak and also the main destinations in USA and Canada TrainBuster helps you to plan, compare and book your train travel.!


Plan your train trips

Your train trip starts here at TrainBuster, browsing the best routes to match your needed destination. The site is available for all different devices, so you can check on the go with your mobile, at work with desktop or at home with tablet.


Compare train offers

We care about usability and design, so you can easily compare all main train information at a glance, and comfortably differentiate companies, departures, arrivals, trip length and ticket price.


Book your train tickets

Found the best train that fits you? Nice! TrainBuster does not sell tickets, but will redirect you to the official company or official travel agency. There you can buy your ticket and reserve your seat in advance

Train companies in USA

Search and book your train trips, train schedules, ticket fare from Amtrak, Via Rail and more train companies.