
Cheap train tickets in USA

Find fast and cheap train tickets for all major routes and train companies

TrainBuster helps you to plan, compare and book your train travel.

All about search, travel and buy train tickets in usa and canada

TrainBuster is a search tool created to help your train journey plans.

Here you find all american train companies and all train routes, timetables and train ticket prices.

If you want to travel by train across USA and Canada, states and cities, train is a cheap and comfortable option to get at your desirable destination.

Be aware that border-crossing routes may require passengers carry their passports or other legal documents, and foreigners have all appropriate visas.

Passengers can buy their train tickets in different ways such as online, by phone and at points of sale, in a variety of payment methods such as credit cards, debit cards and cash.

Each company has different payment policies, and it affects the way all customers make train tickets purchase.

Most buses are equipped with air conditioning, WiFi, washroom facilities, reclining seats and comfortable legroom.

Buying train tickets and train reservations

TrainBuster helps you to choose and plan the best option for your train trip.

You will find all fares and schedules from the main train companies in America.

To buy the train tickets you want, the first step is to access TrainBuster by filling up the two highlighted indicated boxes, the first with the location you will be leaving from and the second with location you want to go.

You’ll get a list with all information about the chosen train route with departure times, trip length, ticket price and train companies ratings made by previous travellers.

On top of that list, you’ll see the calendar button, through this button you can change the date of your train trip and then view the results and travel information on planned date.

After selecting the best trip, you will get the full information about it.

There you can be redirected to company’s website to purchase your ticket.

There are many payment methods to buy your train tickets and we will inform them below.

Online purchase

The official train companies websites sell online train tickets, with a variety of payment methods such as credit cards, debit cards and PayPal.

All prices are shown in Euro. Be aware of such cancellation and change policies.

Over phone

It's not common for train companies sell tickets by phone, so, passengers can only book their train tickets at this channel.

After request a reservation, the traveller will pay only on the day of his trip, before boarding on the train.

At terminal

The most common way to buy train tickets is going directly to the train station or terminal.

To buy a train ticket directly at terminal, you can pay by credit cards, debit cards or cash.

Travelers can also buy tickets at associated travel agencies located on different sales points in many cities as well.

Available fleet services

America train companies has a new and modern fleet, which ensures comfort and safety for their passengers and employees in all kinds of trips.

Most of their buses have features like: luggage space, geo localisation, three-point safety belts, WiFi, toilets, reclining seats and electrical sockets.

Exclusive routes on “TrainBuster”, train trip with city scales

There are many cities across America that does not exist a direct train to connect each other.

So make a travel between these destinations can be a little bit difficult, because you need find a city in middle of your origin and destiny.

Because of this, the TrainBuster's team made a solution to figure out this problem.

When you are looking for a travel that does not exist a direct route, we will show you many options for the best way to make this trip.

Always remember that in case your trip is with connections, you’ll need to buy separated train tickets for each part, because you will drop off from the train and in most cases will change train companies at the connection city.

Deals and discounts

Each train company has a policy on discounts on train tickets. Some companies offer a discount for family groups and babies, others like National Express have coachcards which give  promotional rates for seniors and child, for example.

Children, disabled persons and senior discounts

Most of companies offer 50% discount for babies under the age of 24 months, but it can vary, like First Group which allow children up to 5 years travel for free on their buses when they are accompanied by a paying adult.

Disabled people and people with reduced mobility can receive free assistance at the train terminal and at the train.

But even this being usuals rules, there are some train companies that allows caregivers of people with disability make the trip for free or with discount.

For seniors, the National Express train company have a senior coachcard which passengers save ⅓ on the fares of train tickets.

Ticket refund and exchanges

If the passenger has any problem before the trip, most of american train companies allows some kind of changes like: refund if the client won’t travel anymore or schedule and date changes.

For this, you’ll need to notify the train company about your transference or cancellation of your train ticket with some days earlier.

But remember, there are amendment and cancellation fees which vary according to the advance of the change request.

When you postpone your trip, the new ticket can be more expensive than the cost of the original, in this case, you’ll have to pay an amendment fee plus the difference between the two tickets costs.

If the new reservation is cheaper than the original ticket, we recommend that you get a touch with the carrier that will make your trip and request more information about this route.

Important tips

Boarding on train

Is important arrive at the terminal one hour before your train departure, so you can check your ticket without problems.

Before the boarding procedure, you still will take a time with baggage dispatch length.

Baggage size and weight limits

Each train company has an own rule about carrying luggage, some of them allow the transport of one or two luggages weighing up to 20Kg each or 16Kg.

Passengers can take on board one hand luggage not exceeding 5Kg, this type of baggages may have sizes that can fit on their laps, overhead racks, compartment above seats and under the seat in front of them.

Pets on train

American train companies does not allow the transport of animals in their buses.

However, trained assistance dogs are allowed to travel with disabled passengers.

Traveling by train abroad America countries

According American Union rules, who owns an american passport can travel across the countries that belongs an American Union.

However, the entrance policy in American countries vary according to the countries of origin of passengers.

Therefore, passengers should get more information about their visas before travelling to a American country.

Have an awesome train trip!

The TrainBuster hopes that all yours doubts have been resolved; that way you can buy your train tickets.

We recommend you to buy your train ticket in advance and find without problems the best seats and prices.