
Train to New York, NY Tickets and Schedules

Get Cheap Train Tickets and Schedules To New York City, NY

If you need a lower cost trip to New York , going by train is a great option.

Amtrak also has several options of train schedules leaving this city.

Remember to compare all New York train ticket prices to find the best deals.

Amtrak prices vary from the types of train and the distance between the origin and this location.

Before buying your ticket, check the Amtrak reviews.

Trainbuster has an exclusive travelers reviews on Amtrak services.

Find this useful feedback from passengers real experience.

Old but accurate, the best way of finding great New York train trip deal is book seats in advance.

How to Get to New York by Train?

You can travel by train to New York from several cities in the US.

Amtrak has thousands of train routes across the country.

Where are New York Amtrak Train Stations?

Find here some New York departure and arrival addresses.

Amtrak train stations in New York:

Penn Station

Address: 8th Avenue and West 31st Street, New York, NY 10001 - View on Map

More details about NYC train station

How Much are Amtrak train tickets to New York?

Amtrak ticket prices to New York vary when traveling from different origins.

The following  New York train timetable prices are based on trips from Washington, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, and San Francisco.

Train From Washington X New York

There are an average of 37 daily train schedules leaving from Washington to New York.

Amtrak booking fares may vary on particular services, seat occupation, and limited deals.

Booking tickets from Washington can cost between $93 to $295 each seat.

On this route, the Amtrak cheapest ticket possible is $93.

When is the first train leave?

03:10 is the first bus time leaving to New York.

Also, the last departure time is at 22:10.

How far by train is New York from Washington?

It takes around 3h 17m to get there.

Train From Chicago X New York

There are an average of 5 daily train schedules leaving from Chicago to New York.

Amtrak booking fares may vary on particular services, seat occupation, and limited deals.

Booking tickets from Chicago can cost between $209  to $214 each seat.

On this route,  the Amtrak cheapest ticket possible is $209.

When is the first train leave?

6:40pm is the first bus time leaving to New York.

Also, the last departure time is at 9:30pm.

How far by train is New York from Chicago?

It takes around 20 hours to get there.

Train From Boston X New York

There are an average of 19 daily train schedules leaving from Boston to New York.

Amtrak booking fares may vary on particular services, seat occupation, and limited deals.

Booking tickets from Boston can cost between $79 to $144 each seat.

On this route, the Amtrak cheapest ticket possible is $79.

When is the first train leave?

5:00 is the first bus time leaving to New York.

Also, the last departure time is at 21:30.

How far by train is New York from Boston?

It takes around 4h 2m to get there.

Train From Philadelphia X New York

There are an average of 2 daily train schedules leaving from Philadelphia to New York.

Amtrak booking fares may vary on particular services, seat occupation, and limited deals.

Booking tickets from Philadelphia can cost between $49 to $59 each seat.

On this route,  the Amtrak cheapest ticket possible is $49.

When is the first train leave?

6:52  is the first bus time leaving to New York.

Also, the last departure time is at 7:08.

How far by train is New York from Philadelphia?

It takes around 1h 22min to get there.

Train From San Francisco X New York

There are an average of 2 daily train schedules leaving from San Francisco to New York.

Amtrak booking fares may vary on particular services, seat occupation, and limited deals.

Booking tickets from San Francisco can cost between $339 to $343 each seat.

On this route, the Amtrak cheapest ticket possible is $339.

When is the first train leave?

7:40 is the first bus time leaving to New York.

Also, the last departure time is at 7:40.

How far by train is New York from San Francisco?

It takes around 71 hours to get there.

What is the Best Way to Buy Train Ticket to New York?

Search all information about your train travel to New York at Trainbuster.

Find all destinations, ticket prices, and train schedule for your journey.

Then, you can easily choose which Amtrak train ticket is better for you.

Trainbuster does not sell train ticket.

But, will redirect you to the Amtrak official website.

There, you can buy your bus ticket without extra fees.

Are There Others Way to Get to New York?

You also can get to New York by bus or plane.

Most of the times travel by bus is a cheaper option.

Many US bus companies have routes to New York.

Find your bus ticket at Busbuster.